Cyclebase 3.0

Cell-cycle regulation database

ASP3-1 [YLR155C]

L-asparagine amidohydrolase II; Cell-wall L-asparaginase II involved in asparagine catabolism; expression induced during nitrogen starvation; ORF contains a short non-coding RNA that enhances expression of full-length gene; likely arose in via horizontal gene transfer from the wine yeast Wickerhamomyces anomalus or a close relative; reference strain S288C has four copies of ASP3; ASP3-1 has a paralog, ASP3-3, that arose from a segmental duplication

Synonyms:  ASP3-1,  ASP3-2,  ASP3-3,  ASP3-4,  P0CX77 ...

Linkouts:  STRING  UniProt