Cyclebase 3.0

Cell-cycle regulation database

SIC1 [YLR079W]

CDK inhibitor p40; Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor (CKI); inhibitor of Cdc28-Clb kinase complexes that controls G1/S phase transition, preventing premature S phase and ensuring genomic integrity; phosphorylated by Clb5/6-Cdk1 and Cln1/2-Cdk1 kinase which regulate timing of Sic1p degradation; phosphorylation targets Sic1p for SCF(CDC4)-dependent turnover; functional homolog of mammalian Kip1

Synonyms:  SIC1,  SIC1p,  P38634,  L9449.8,  P38634p ...

Linkouts:  STRING  UniProt