Cyclebase 3.0

Cell-cycle regulation database

PEA2 [YER149C]

Protein PEA2; Coiled-coil 12S polarisome subunit; required for polarity establishment, apical bud growth, shmoo formation, filamentous differentiation; involved in Bni1p localization at sites of polarized growth, controlling polarized assembly of actin cables; role in apical growth affects diploid-specific bipolar bud site selection; retains Slt2p at bud tip to regulate ER inheritance; role in Ca2+ influx, cell fusion; S288C allele encoding Leu409 rather than Met linked with non-invasion

Synonyms:  PEA2,  PEA2p,  P40091,  P40091p,  PPF2 ...

Linkouts:  STRING  UniProt