Cyclebase 3.0

Cell-cycle regulation database

DYN2 [YDR424C]

Cytoplasmic light chain dynein, microtubule motor protein; required for intracellular transport and cell division; involved in mitotic spindle positioning; forms complex with dynein intermediate chain Pac11p that promotes Dyn1p homodimerization, potentiates motor processivity; Dyn2p-Pac11p complex important for interaction of dynein motor complex with dynactin complex; acts as molecular glue to dimerize, stabilize Nup82-Nsp1-Nup159 complex module of cytoplasmic pore filaments

Synonyms:  DYN2,  DYN2p,  Q02647,  Q02647p,  SLC1 ...

Linkouts:  STRING  UniProt