Cyclebase 3.0

Cell-cycle regulation database

BXI1 [YNL305C]

BH3 domain-containing protein BXI1; Protein involved in apoptosis; variously described as containing a BCL-2 homology (BH3) domain or as a member of the BAX inhibitor family; reported to promote apoptosis under some conditions and to inhibit it in others; localizes to ER and vacuole; may link the unfolded protein response to apoptosis via regulation of calcium-mediated signaling; translocates to mitochondria under apoptosis-inducing conditions in a process involving Mir1p and Cor1p

Synonyms:  BXI1,  BXI1p,  YNL305C,  P48558,  YNL305Cp ...

Linkouts:  STRING  UniProt