Cyclebase 3.0

Cell-cycle regulation database

NPL4 [YBR170C]

HMG-CoA reductase degradation protein 4; Substrate-recruiting cofactor of the Cdc48p-Npl4p-Ufd1p segregase; assists Cdc48p in the dislocation of misfolded, polyubiquitinated ERAD substrates that are subsequently delivered to the proteasome for degradation; also involved in the regulated destruction of resident ER membrane proteins, such as HMG-CoA reductase (Hmg1/2p) and cytoplasmic proteins (Fbp1p); role in mobilizing membrane bound transcription factors by regulated ubiquitin/proteasome-dependent processing (RUP)

Synonyms:  NPL4,  NPL4p,  P33755,  HRD4,  P33755p ...

Linkouts:  STRING  UniProt